Scientific Exchange within the Sino-German Cooperation Group

October 2023


Sino-German Cooperation

Organized by the Chair of Engineering Hydrology and Water Resources Management (ihwb), a meeting was held within the framework of the Sino-German Cooperation Group, “Risk Management of Water Scarcity,” at TU Darmstadt on October 6, 2023. This gathering involved conversations with Chinese cooperation partners from Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology and the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, focusing on current hydrological research topics and projects. One key area of emphasis was the utilization of IPCC climate projections and their application in hydro-meteorological analyses and impact assessments across various Asian study areas, including the Tibetan highlands and the Indus River basin. Prospective future collaborations and projects were also explored. The six-year term of the cooperation group will culminate with a final workshop in Nanjing in April 2024.