Prof. Dr. habil. Britta Schmalz
Head of the Chair of Engineering Hydrology and Water Management
work +49 6151 16-20868
L5|01 311
Franziska-Braun-Straße 7
- Head and representation of the department in research and teaching
- Organization and execution of teaching of the department
- Supervision of PhD, Bachelor and Master thesis
- since 02/2016: Full professor at TU Darmstadt
- 05/2015-02/2016: Assistant Professor (akademische Rätin) at Kiel University (CAU Kiel) as well as subproject leader of the research project „SASCHA – Sustainable land management and adaptation strategies to climate change for the Western Siberian Grain Belt“ (BMBF)
- 05/2013-04/2015: Postdoc at CAU Kiel in the research project „SASCHA – Sustainable land management and adaptation strategies to climate change for the Western Siberian Grain Belt“ (BMBF)
- 05/2010-04/2013: Postdoc at CAU Kiel in the research project „Integrated modelling of the response of aquatic ecosystems to land use and climate change in the Poyang lake region, China“ (DFG)
- 10/2005-04/2010: Assistant professor (wissenschaftliche Assistentin) at Ecology Centre at CAU Kiel, Department of Hydrology and Water Resources Management.
- 2002-2005: Research associate at Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Dep. Groundwater quality/-protection, in the research project „Groundwater quality in the Weser catchment“.
- 1998-2001: Research associate at CAU Kiel in the research project „Preferential pathways – 3D Water- and matter dynamics in heterogeneous media“ (DFG; Institute for Water Management and Landscape Ecology).“
- 2015: Habilitation at CAU Kiel as well as Venia Legendi for Hydrology and Physical Geography. Title of habilitation thesis: „Integrated ecohydrological modeling of aquatic ecosystems“.
- 2002: Promotion (Dr. agr.) in Soil Science at Rostock University. Title: „Räumliche Variabilität des Wasserflusses in sandigen Böden“ (Spatial variability of water flow in sandy soils).
- 1998: Diploma degree (Dipl.-Geol.) at Faculty of Geosciences at Hamburg University. Diploma theses: I „Grundwasserbeschaffenheit im Bereich Lübeck/Untertrave unter dem Aspekt der Grundwasserversalzung“ (Groundwater quality in the region of Lübeck/lower Trave with regards to groundwater salinisation), II „Quartärgeologische Kartierung in einem Teilbereich des Alten Landes“ (Quaternary geological mapping of a subarea of the region Altes Land).
You can find a list of publications here (opens in new tab) .
- Elected president of the German Hydrological Society (DHG) since 11/2021
- Elected member of the extended presidium of the German Hydrological Society (DHG) 2017-2021
- IHP/HWRP-working group „FRIEND/ERB“*: Participation since 2008 and head of the German working group since 2015 as well as national representative for Germany in the international ERB steering committee since 2015 (*Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data/ European Network of Experimental and Representative Basins)
- Working group „Ecohydrological processes“ of the German Hydrological Society: Member since 2012
- Scientific journal “Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung”: Member of the editorial board since 09/2016, associated editor 10/2015 – 09/2016.
- Reviewer for inter-/national scientific journals (selection since 2016): AMBIO, Climatic Change, Earth System Science Data, Environmental Earth Sciences, Forests, Hydrological Processes, Hydrology Research, Land Degradation & Development, Water, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply.